Jamie Watson Jamie Watson

Australia’s capabilities accelerator will need to break new ground

The global race is on to secure and dominate critical technologies and the workforce talent and capital markets that support their development. Whichever country or group of nations succeeds will have the military and strategic edge. The quiet launch on 1 July of the Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator within the Defence Department seeks to position Australia in this race.

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Jamie Watson Jamie Watson

A strong partnership with industry to implement the Defence Strategic Review

On 24 April 2023, the Albanese Government began implementing key recommendations of the Defence Strategic Review.

As the Review makes clear, a genuine partnership between the Government, industry and unions will be critical to growing Australia’s defence industry and speeding up the acquisition of vital defence capabilities.

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Jamie Watson Jamie Watson

As defense tech goes commercial, does national security miss out?

Laura Dobberstein reports that insufficient attention has been paid to the national security implications of private enterprise taking over from government as the main source of innovation for defence and intelligence applications, according to a panel at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)'s Sydney Dialogue on 04 April 2023.

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Jamie Watson Jamie Watson

Defense Innovation & Venture Capital

Any Yakulis explores how the Department of Defense has an innovation problem, threatening our competitive advantage with our adversaries. Risk aversion, bureaucracy, red tape, heavy regulation, and a culture that values the status quo over change are stalling the pace of innovation. The simple reality is that innovative thinking gets squashed by the "this is the way we've always done things" mentality. DoD must prioritize this self-inflicted innovation crisis to streamline advanced technology to the warfighter when needed most; an institutional culture shift must occur. DoD must focus on new collaborations with startups, venture capital (VC) and overall, start taking measured acquisition risk in the same way our operational force takes calculated but necessary risk.

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Jamie Watson Jamie Watson

Network of U.S. defense investors eyeing dual-use technologies

Over the years, steps were taken to better equip the U.S. military toward modernizing defense IT infrastructure in the face of cyber threats along with increased budget free from sequestration. Recently, a group of defense investors has been closely observing dual-use technologies that may be useful for the army.

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